The Department of Sustainable Development established in Central Statistics Organization in Aden in September 2021, then continued as a general administration in 2022 after activating the office of CSO in Aden. This update came as a result of the global trend that began in 2015 in launching the Millennium Sustainable Development Goals, which set in 8 goals, and then other goals were added to reach 17 goals.
The Department of Sustainable Development established in Central Statistics Organization in Aden in September 2021, then continued as a general administration in 2022 after activating the office of CSO in Aden. This update came as a result of the global trend that began in 2015 in launching the Millennium Sustainable Development Goals, which set in 8 goals, and then other goals were added to reach 17 goals. It included 169 goals and 232 objectives in which the world seeks to achieve progress by the year 2030. This came as a result of global needs to preserve the planet Earth, ensure a decent life for human, and preserve natural resources. These goals focused on three axes: 1- Achieving social sustainability. 2- Achieving economic sustainability. 3- Achieving environmental sustainability.
Methodology The administration seeks to provide available information through the following: 1- Monitoring and tracking sustainable development indicators through previously available surveys, which the first issue of the Sustainable Development Goals Report published in 2022. 2- Reflecting the outcomes of food security surveys for the years 2021-2022 in the second issue of the Sustainable Development Report. 3- Follow up on indicators presented by Arab, regional and international monitoring platforms, based mainly on source data, the most important of which is the World Bank and international organizations specialized in humanitarian and social aspects. 4- Communicating with statistical agencies related to sustainable development indicators and addressing the problems they face in terms of weak administrative records, unavailability of statistical data, and limited programs through which capabilities are developed, the level of statistical competencies is raised, and participation in decision-making, each in its field.
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