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Gender Department established in the Central Statistics Organization in response to international commitments related to creating a national mechanism that seeks to advance women and empower them socially, economically, and politically, enhance their status to achieve a greater level of social justice, as women are the sisters of men, and also establish equal opportunities.
In view of the increasing importance of gender issues, the administration was promoted to a general administration and made it one of the departments reporting to the presidency of the CSO.
Gender data are collected through:
.1- Surveys.
2- Current data through administrative records.
The indicators are recalculated and formulated into new tables for the purpose of achieving the administration’s objectives, which enable it to calculate the gender gap
The most important Indicators
- Number of students in kindergartens.
- Number of students in the basic education stage.
- Number of students in the secondary education stage.
- Number of students in university education.
- Number of students in commercial and technical institutes.
- Number of teachers in basic education.
- Number of teachers in secondary education.
- Number of teachers in commercial and technical institutes.
- Number of school principals in basic education.
- Number of school principals in secondary education.
- Number of members of the House of Representatives and other councils by gender.
- Number of members of the judiciary by gender.
- Numbers of founders and general body of parties by gender.
- Number of land owners and the number of apartment and villa owners by gender and joint ownership among males and females for lands, apartments and villas.
15. Number of business owners and companies by gender
Information bank
Statistical tables
Coming soon
Meta data for indicators
Coming soon
Interactive dashboard

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