Security and Justice Statistics
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Security and Justice is one of the departments of the General Administration of Social Statistics and is specialized in providing a database on the security situation in addition to justice and placing it in front of policy makers and decision makers in a way that responds to current and future requirements.
Data is collected from sources using annual records. The Methodology measures some aspects of crimes and cases referred to the courts through which plans and policies are drawn up by decision makers.
Most important data reflected in security and justice tables:
1.Total recorded crimes by crime types.
- Total recorded crimes committed against people by types of crimes.
- Total recorded crimes committed against private and personal property, by types of crimes.
- Total recorded public immorality crimes by types of crimes.
- Total recorded crimes affecting public office, by type of crime.
- Total recorded crimes against the administration of justice, by types of crimes.
- Total recorded crimes that affect the public interest, by types of crimes.
- Total drug crimes recorded by crime types.
- Total number of recorded accidents.
- Types of fires, injuries and material damage.
- Total cases referred and their types by the courts of appeal.
The most important Indicators
1-Recorded crimes by types of crimes.
2-Registered crimes against persons
3-Registered crimes against private and personal property.
4-Registered crimes affecting public service.
5-Recorded crimes that disrupt the administration of justice.
6-Registered crimes that affect the public interest.
7-Drug crimes.
8-Total number of accidents.
9-Types of fires.
10- Number of injuries.
11-Total material damages.
12- Public and published crimes.
13-Recorded crimes affecting the national economy.
14-Total cases referred to the courts of first instance.
15-Total cases referred to the courts of appeal.
16-Total cases referred to specific courts.
Information bank
Statistical tables
Meta data for indicators
Interactive dashboard
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