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The Service Statistics Department is considered one of the general departments for financial and monetary statistics. The Service Statistics Department provides detailed data from several sources. This department also reviews surveys and service statistical activities which it provides data that can be used in developing future plans for decision-making as well as researchers in this field.
The Service Statistics Department collects its data through:
First: Surveys and statistical activities that it carries out as a source of service sector data.
Second: Administrative records by addressing the relevant sources through official letters issued by the Central organization of Statistics, providing it with data by the attached tables, reviewing the data from the sources, compared to the previous year, and correcting them if there is an error from the source to ensure the credibility of the statement. Regarding to the activities of practicing professions, we follow the national classification of economic activities ( isic4).
The Service Statistics Department includes two departments:
- Transport and Telecommunications Department includes two departments:
– Department of Telecommunications and Information Technology
– Transportation Department
- Services management includes two sections:
-Department of Non-Governmental Organizations.
-Department of Social Welfare and Youth
The work and activity of the Service Statistics Department is reflected in the annual statistical book in four chapters, which are as follows:
First: Statistical tables in the transportation and travel chapter:
- Lengths of asphalt and unpaved roads.
- Numbers given to vehicles according to its use
- Recorded vehicle accidents by type of accident and number of injured and deceased persons
- Total traffic accidents
- The most important activities of Aden Sea port
- Total movement of unloaded goods in the port of Aden*
- Number of post offices*
- Total number of rented, non-rented and public postal boxes:
- Financial collection activities for telephone, electricity and water.
- – Withdraws from the government Sector
- Retirement pension service activity through the General Postal Authority .
- Internal transfers issued and paid
- Deposits and withdraws in the Postal Savings Fund
- Passenger and cargo movement at Aden International Airport-
- Movement of aircraft, passengers and cargo at Aden International Airport for local and international airlines
Second: Statistical tables in the Telecommunications and Information Technology chapter:
- Equipped telephone capacities and working lines .
- Number of subscribers to various types of telecommunications means
- Call centers and Internet cafes
Third: Statistical tables in Non government Organizations (NGOs) chapter:
- Number of cooperative societies.
- Number of federations, unions and institutions.
- Distribution of mosques and cemeteries and the number of employees
- Distribution of shops practicing service activities according to economic activity.
- Number of members of local councils, executive offices and administrative institutions .
- Number of community committees members .
Fourth: Statistical tables for social care and youth:
- Number of beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Fund.
- Number of retirees, pensions, and compensation paid to them.
- Number of insured workers in the private sector by gender and nationality.
- Number of retirees, pensions and compensation paid in the private sector.
- Number of sports clubs, their members, and the number of members of the administrative institutions .
- Players registered in sports clubs by player category and sports activity.
- Registered referees according to grade and type of sporting activity.
- -Sports facility according to facility type.
Most important indicators
The most important statistical indicators in transport and travel:
- First: Road lengths include:
a-Asphalt (kilometer’s)
b-Annual increase rate of %.
c-Unpaved (kilometer’s)
- Second: Registered vehicles include:
a- Special vehicles.
c- Public transportation vehicles.
- Third: Vehicle accidents recorded according to the type of accident and the number of injured and deceased persons include:
- Registered vehicle accidents
- Injuries
- Subterranean
Aden International Airport includes:
a- Arriving passengers (in thousands)
b- Departing passengers (in thousands)
The most important statistical indicators in Telecommunications and information technology:
a- Capacity of telephone stations.
b- Number of working telephone lines.
c- Telephone density (telephone/hundred homes).
d- The ratio of vacant to equipped.
e-General benefit ratio.
f-Increase in installed capacity
g-Increase in operating lines.
h-Total Internet subscribers.
I-Total car subscribers.
J-Total international telephone subscribers.
k-Total Internet subscribers via satellite.
l- Total call centers and internet cafes.
The most important statistical indicators for non-governmental organizations:
a- Number of charitable organizations.
b- Number of social associations.
c- Number of cultural associations.
d- Number of development associations
e-Number of unions.
f-The number of unions.
g- Number of mosques.
h- Number of local council members.
I- Number of commercial records.
The most important statistical indicators of social care and youth:
a- The number of beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Fund
b- Total pensions and compensation from the General Insurance Authority
c- Number of insured persons with the General Organization for Social Insurance.
d-Number of retirees with the General Organization for Social Insurance.
e-Total pensions and compensation for workers in the private sector.
f-Number of sports clubs.
g- Number of members of sports clubs.
h- Number of registered referees.
I-Number of international sports stadiums.
Foreign Trade Department issues a number of bulletins, including:
- Annual Foreign Trade Bulletin.
- Semi-annual Foreign Trade Bulletin.
- Quarterly Foreign Trade Bulletin.
- Monthly Foreign Trade Bulletin.
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