This administration is interested in population and health monitoring data for the purposes of evaluating currently existing population and health programs and policies to assist policy makers and population and health decision makers to design programs and strategies to improve services related to health and birth control in the country, by the results and indicators issued by surveys, the most important of which is the survey of 2013 National Demographic and Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS6) and annual SMART surveys.
These surveys provide up-to-date information about fertility and childbearing, household planning, child and infant mortality, nutritional status of both the child, mother and child, maternal and child mortality rates, in addition to providing data on violence, early childhood development, disability and chronic diseases.
Data is collected according to the following methodology:
2-Ongoing data collection from the Ministry of Health and its offices in the governorates.
The most important Indicators
First: from the surveys:
1- Household characteristics.
2-Basic characteristics of the responders.
3- Marriage and exposure to the risk of pregnancy.
4- Childbirth.
5- Reproductive preferences.
6-Household planning.
7-Infant and child mortality.
8-Maternal health.
9-Child health.
10- Nutritional status and prevalence of anemia.
11-AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, attitudes and behavior.
12-Empowering women.
13-Domestic violence.
14-Early childhood development and children’s discipline.
15Number of labor force in the health field.
Second: From the ongoing data collection:
1- Number of health facilities.
2-Number of women who benefit from household planning services.
3-Number of women who benefit from organizing services by means.
4-Number of beneficiaries of pregnant care services.
5-Number of women benefiting from emergency obstetric services.
6-Number of beneficiaries of tetanus vaccinations for non-pregnant women.
7-Mortality rate for Covid-19.
8-Number of AIDS cases.
9-Number of tuberculosis cases discovered.
10- Number of beds in hospitals.
11-Number of public hospitals.
12-Number of maternal deaths.
information Bank
Statistical Tables
Number of health dean |
3695 |
A number of other family planning services |
764865 |
There are several rumors of organizing services depending on the medium |
1764778 |
A limited number of services for pregnant women |
554074 |
A number of other emergency obstetric and obstetric services |
155987 |
A number of them include tetanus vaccinations for pregnant women |
202308 |
Covid-19 death rate |
5.01 |
Number of cases of AIDS |
245 |
Number of cases detected |
3087 |
Number of beds in hospitals |
6704 |
Number of public hospitals |
18 |
Number of maternal deaths |
269 |
Meta data for Indicators
Interactive Dashboard
Coming soon

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