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Agriculture is considered a major pillar of human life. Land is the source of good things. Therefore, the agricultural sector is considered one of the important economic activities that helps many farmers earn their living through the financial returns of this sector and also the basic products provided to them for citizens’ consumption. Agricultural data and information are considered the basic pillar on which plans depend. Agricultural development, both plant and animal, in order to formulate agricultural policies directed at improving and developing the agricultural sector.
They are estimates from current records from sources, and there is no accurate data because there is no agricultural survey or census to update the data.
Source authorities: (Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries, Agricultural Resources, branches of CSO in the governorates)
Agriculture components:
Tenure: –
It is an economic unit for agricultural production, both plant and animal, that is subject to a single administration and includes all animals present in it and all lands used in whole or in part for the purposes of agricultural production, regardless of ownership, legal form, or area (size). It includes possession of owned or rented lands, and management can be exercised by a family, clan, tribe, or legal entity such as an institution, association, government agency, etc.
Usable area: –
It is part of the total area and includes all areas of land under various methods of exploitation, including cultivated land and land that is not cultivated during the agricultural year, but it was previously cultivated five years ago at most, and it is either equal to or less than the total area.
Cultivated area:
– It is the land cultivated during an agricultural year and includes land cultivated with permanent seasonal crops.
Crop area:
It is the sum of the areas of the various crops planted during the agricultural year, whether they were planted with temporary crops or those lands planted with permanent crops, and the cropped area must be equal to or greater than the cultivated area.
Areas of temporary crops:
Includes all areas of land used for growing crops whose growth period is less than a year and which require re-seeding or planting again after harvesting each crop, such as field crops and vegetables.
Areas of permanent crops:
These are the areas that are densely planted with crops that occupy the lands for a long period of time and do not need to be reseeded for more than a year after each harvest (harvest). They are the lands planted with permanent trees such as palms, bananas, coffee, qat, fruits…etc.
Irrigated area:
It is the sum of the areas of the various water sources for irrigating the agricultural holding, and it may be rain, wells, rain and wells together, torrents, torrential rains, dams, water barriers, or water transported by car or animals.
Agricultural production:
Animal and plant production activities include raising livestock, sheep, and goats, beekeeping, honey production, and cultivation of vegetable crops, including vegetables, fruits, cash crops, fodder, and legumes.
How many beehives does the farmer have, whether they are in wooden or dirt boxes or in cupboards?
Domestic chicken:
chickens that were raised in the home or in the backyards of the home, traditionally raised for the purpose of producing eggs or meat.
Most important indicators
- Cultivated area.
- Valid space.
- Irrigated area
- Agricultural Production.
- Number of beehives.
- Total livestock.
- Contribution of the agricultural sector to the gross domestic product.
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نوال حسين عبدالرحمن السلفي