Food Security Information Systems
Latest Launches
General Administration of Food Security Information Systems established in the Central Statistics Organization by Presidential Decree No. (28) of 2014 due to the importance of food security, which is a pivotal and important issue for all countries and societies, especially in our country, especially in light of the conditions that the country has gone through and is going through.
Wars and crises affected the provision of food security, doubled the suffering of citizens, provided them with food security, and contributed to the high rates of food insecurity in Yemen.
From this standpoint, it has become extremely important to provide data and indicators that reflect the food and nutrition situation in Yemen and give a general picture of the population’s situation so that the state can develop strategies and policies to alleviate people’s suffering and contribute to extricating them from the deteriorating conditions resulting from many causes.
These indicators also contribute to meet Sustainable development goals indicators.
Food Security Information Systems Department at Central Statistics Organization provides these indicators based on the results of the Food Security and Livelihoods Surveys (FSLA), which are held semi-annually, in addition to relying on SMART surveys, and the Integrated Interim Classification (IPC) analysis of acute food insecurity. providing data and indicators that serve the food security department, the department was also guided by some World Bank data for comparison and to cover some shortcomings in some indicators, in addition to referring to some reports issued by official authorities (ministries) and other organizations.
Most important indicators
The Food Security Information Systems Department seeks to provide many indicators that reflect the food and nutritional status of the population in Yemen, including:
1- Prevalence of malnutrition outbreaks.
2- Prevalence of food insecurity.
3- Wheat cultivation Percentage (local wheat production).
4-Cultivated agricultural area Percentage allocated to productive and sustainable agriculture.
5-Government orientation towards agricultural expenditure (in percentage).
6- Population Percentage living in poverty.
7- Expenditure Percentage on food consumption.
8-Unemployment rate.
9-Inflation level.
10- Prevalence of malnutrition (wasting).
11- Prevalence of stunting (stunting).
12- Women Percentage of reproductive age who suffer from blood deficiency (15-49).
13-Population Percentage benefiting from safe managed drinking water.
14-Population Percentage benefiting from sanitation services.
Food security indicators in Yemen 2022
Information bank
Statistical tables
Meta data for indicators
Interactive dashboard

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رؤى حسن محمد زين السقاف