Central Statistical Organization

Poverty Statistics


Latest Launches


The General Administration of Labor force and Poverty is responsible for tracking the state of poverty in the country and building a database that will benefit policy makers and decision makers in developing programs and strategic plans to alleviate the severity of poverty affecting society.

Poverty is a state of incapacity and deprivation, which is incapacity represented in several forms of deprivation. Therefore, this deprivation could have fallen on an individual, individuals, family, group, or tribe, who possessed the necessary means to meet material and social protests, etc. The world around us enjoys scientific and technological progress and materially, while the status of Yemeni people  is getting worse  and they are besieged by hunger and poverty from all sides, as about half of the population in the Republic of Yemen suffered from poverty (12,613,886) in 2014 according to the results of the 2014 Household Budget Survey, and the level of poverty has even reached worse than that, as it exceeded 80% in the MICS6 multiple indicator cluster survey.


Poverty data is based on surveys that show all indicators. The Household Budget Survey is considered the most important statistical work after the population census, and it is a multi-indicator survey. The survey provides a huge database that helps in extracting a map of poverty at the level of the smallest administrative units in the Republic of Yemen (the village). The last session was this survey which  was conducted in 2014, preceded by a session in 2005/2006. Among the data provided by the Household Budget Survey are data related to the economic aspect, both income and expenditure.  There are also surveys prepared by international organizations such as ESCWA on multidimensional poverty based on the Maternal and Child Health Survey.  In addition, UNICEF has begun arranging to prepare a study on multidimensional poverty based on the results of the MICS6 survey.

The most important Indicators

Most important indicators

 1- Poverty rate

 2-Poverty gaps

3-Gini index (inequality)

4-Average monthly income of Household

 5-Average monthly income per individual

 6-Average annual household income

 7- Average annual income per individual

 8- Access to electricity

9- Accessibility of household to improved water, adequate improved water and sanitation

 10-Food poverty line


Information bank

Statistical tables

Meta data for indicators

Interactive dashboard

Coming soon

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