Education Statistics
Latest Launches
The Education Department is considered one of the General Administration of Social Statistics, as it provides detailed data on several educational sources. It is considered the cornerstone on which societies and ways of self-development are built. Education statistics are important for providing an information database on the educational status of the population.
First: Ongoing collection of data from the administrative records of the Ministry of Education and its offices in the governorates.
Data is collected from sources using annual records. The methodology measures some aspects related to the educational activities it produces for decision-makers, politicians, and local and international institutions that measure the public on the current state of education about a country.
Second: Conducting educational surveys carried out by the Ministry of Education or household surveys.
The most important Indicators
First: Kindergartens (government and private):
1- Number of kindergartens.
2-Number of children enrolled in kindergarten for both sexes.
3- Number of educators.
4- Number of people.
Second: Basic education (government and private):
1- Number of basic schools.
2- Number of people.
3-Number of students enrolled in basic education for both genders.
4-Number of teachers for both genders.
5-Percentage of female students to the total number of students.
6-Ratio of male students to the total number of students.
7-Average number of students per teacher.
8-Average number of students in the class.
Second: Secondary education (government and private):
1- Number of basic schools.
2- Number of people.
3-Number of students enrolled in basic education for both genders.
4-Number of teachers for both genders.
5-Percentage of female students to the total number of students.
6-Ratio of male students to the total number of students.
7-Average number of students per teacher.
8-Average number of students in the class.
Third: Technical and Vocational Education:
1- Number of students enrolled in post-secondary technical institutes: (two-year system).
2- Number of students enrolled in pre-secondary vocational institutes: (three-year system).
Fourth: Public ( government ) University:
1- Number of enrolled students.
2-Number of graduate students.
3-Percentage of female students to the total number of students.
4-Ratio of male students to the total number of students.
5- Number of teachers by nationality.
6- Average number of students per teacher.
Fifth: Private University:
1- Number of enrolled students.
2- Ratio of female students to the total number of students.
3-Ratio of male students to the total number of students.
Sixth: Illiteracy:
1- Number of teachers.
2-Average number of students per
Basic stage teacher:
1-Number of students enrolled for both genders.
2-Ratio of female students to the total number of students.
3-Ratio of male students to the total number of students.
Follow-up stage:
1- Number of students enrolled for both genders.
2-Ratio of female students to the total number of students.
3-Ratio of male students to the total number of students.
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