Central Statistical Organization

Index Numbers


As a result of the large and rapid economic developments of our time, it is necessary to have economic indicators to follow these developments and changes.

From this standpoint, many Index Number emerged, including:

  1. Consumer Price Index.
  2. Producer Price Index.
  3. Foreign Trade Index Number.
  4. Population and Development Index Numbers.
  5. ICT Development Price Index.
  6. Therefore, after the index numbers were part of General Price Administration, they were separated to become an independent general administration that reports directly to the President of CSO. It specializes in producing and compiling various index and inflation figures during the coming periods, in addition to the consumer price index that has produced since the year 2021 in Aden, which is considered one of the special indicators. It is used in economic and planning studies, in addition to reflecting the changes occurring in the structure of the productive and consumption sectors in society.

Since 2021, the General Administration’s production of index numbers has been limited to compiling the price index, which was done by extracting consumer goods from 2014 Household Budget Survey, updating the weights, and introducing the population variable. The Asper method was used to compile the index.

Most important indicators

The most important indicators currently being produced:

  1. General consumer price index.
  2. Item index for consumer prices.
  3. Inflation rates.

information Bank

Statistical Tables

Consumer price index 2023 on 2014

مجموعة الانفاقالاوزانينايرفبرايرمارسابريلمايويونيويوليوأغسطسسبتمبر
جميع المواد(البند العام)100.00474.67474.55478.67477.33477.58506.19511.88518.30534.07
الاغذيه والمشروبات الكحوليه34.02616.49612.44596.27601.01587.31605.26617.17633.24645.64
التبغ والسجائر والقات5.97467.39488.43530.81481.28563.54510.32530.74553.74621.97
الملابس والاحذيه21.34318.62318.62334.39334.39334.39370.16370.16370.16373.49
السكن والمياه والكهرباء0.74447.06447.06460.97460.97460.97425.51425.51425.51430.20
الاثاث والادوات المنزليه8.76564.87564.87571.34571.34571.34640.04640.04640.04663.59
الثقافه والترفيه2.34570.50570.50570.50570.50570.50722.70722.7722.70722.70
المطاعم والفنادق6.03450.47450.47450.47450.47450.47447.52447.52447.52447.52
السلع والخدمات الاخرى7.78427.35427.35454.17454.17454.17493.89493.89493.89515.43

Monthly inflation rate for the year 2023

Set spending weightsWeightsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember
All materials (general item)100.000.92-0.020.87-
Food and alcoholic beverages34.023.91-0.66-2.640.79-2.280.711.822.511.96
Tobacco, cigarettes5.97-10.944.508.68-9.3317.
Clothes and shoes21.340.420.004.950.000.0010.690.000.000.90
Housing, water and electricity0.741.
Furniture and household items8.760.
Culture and entertainment2.34-0.760.
Restaurants and hotels6.
Other goods and services7.78-

Meta data for Indicators

معدل التضخم الشهري لعام 2023م

مجموعة الانفاقالاوزانينايرفبرايرمارسابريلمايويونيويوليوأغسطسسبتمبر
جميع المواد(البند العام)100.000.92-0.020.87-
الاغذيه والمشروبات الكحوليه34.023.91-0.66-2.640.79-2.280.711.822.511.96
التبغ والسجائر والقات5.97-10.944.508.68-9.3317.
الملابس والاحذيه21.340.420.004.950.000.0010.690.000.000.90
السكن والمياه والكهرباء0.741.
الاثاث والادوات المنزليه8.760.
الثقافه والترفيه2.34-0.760.
المطاعم والفنادق6.
السلع والخدمات الاخرى7.78-

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