Building and Construction
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The construction sector occupies an importance in economic activity due to the connection between this sector and various other sectors, which necessitated the necessity of a comprehensive study in order to provide statistical data to benefit from it for the purposes of development and economic planning, especially with regard to the urban, geographical and social aspects, as this sector uses an important part of human and material resources and constitutes its production is an important part of fixed capital formation.
Construction statistics are considered an important branch of commodity production statistics, as it carries out a process of collecting, tabulating, summarizing and analyzing data on various architectural and women’s activities carried out by society during certain periods of time.
The purpose of construction and building statistics is to show the opposite of this sector.
Building and Construction Statistics prepares statistics on the activity of the building and construction sector by the following methodology:
1.Ongoing collection of data from its sources.
- Annual economic surveys.
Sources of construction and building statistics:
- Large establishments operating primarily in the construction sector, whether they carry out contracting works themselves or subcontracting.
- Small establishments operating primarily in the construction sector, whether they carry out contracting work or carry it out subcontracting.
- Establishments that mainly operate in other activities that are not affiliated with the construction sector and carry out activities sub-sector within the building and construction sector.
- Individuals who carry out construction and building operations on their own account.
- Governmental institutions and departments whose activities can be included in the construction sector.
Period of collecting current statistics:
*Construction Department:
The data is collected annually from the sources, and the late data arrives in February from the year that following the year of issuance, and sometimes later than that, which means that the data collection period is complete.
It takes more than a year.
*Building Department:
Data is collected quarterly, every three months, or semi-annually.
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