Central Statistical Organization

The Governor of Socotra -Archipelago -meets the General Director of the Statistics Branch, Saleh Jumaan Saad

The Governor of the Socotra Eng. Raafat Al-Thaqli, met today in Socotra the General Director of the Statistics Branches, Mr. Saleh Jumaan Saad, while the Governor stressed on  the importance of activating the tasks of the branch of Central Statistics Organization Office  in the governorate and playing its role in collecting and updating statistical data.

 Al-Thaqli showed, during his meeting with Saleh Jumaan Saad,   the preparation of the local authority to provide the necessary support to CSO office to carry out its tasks and develop its statistical activity, on which the work of the local authority is based on development plans and programs with real indicators. The General Director of the Central Statistics Organization Branch, Saleh Jumaan, reviewed the level of the branch’s current activity and the difficulties facing the implementation of the  plan.

One of the important stages that will be is  to cover the previous obstacles during the coming year, 2024,  by supporting the local authority to move forward with the office’s tasks and responsibilities and develop them.

 The meeting was attended by the governor’s deputy, Raed Al-Jaribi, the director of the governor’s office, Fahmi Ali, and the commander of the Security Brigade, Colonel Muhammad Ahmed