Central Statistical Organization

Banking and Insurance

Latest Launches


Banks, insurance and reinsurance companies are important economic sectors that contribute to the gross domestic product and employment of the workforce.  The banking and insurance system has a great effort to understand the extent of competition in the market, the nature of the existing economic variables, the requirements of the next stage, and the type of services required and how to provide them.


Providing economic data on banks, insurance companies, and some economic indicators that reflect the extent of this sector’s contribution to the national economy.

The source of this data is all banking and insurance company units (property – persons) for the public and private sectors that carry out their activities under the supervision of the Banking and Exchange Affairs Sector.

Most important Indicators

1-The value of production and intermediate consumption.

2- Workers’ compensation, including salaries, wages, and in-kind and cash benefits.

3-Providing data on capital formation.

4-Revenues of the main activity.

5-Payments and receipts from property returns and financial transactions.

6-Indirect taxes and depreciation of fixed assets.


Information Bank

Statistical tables

Meta data for Indicators

Interactive Dashboard

Coming soon

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