National Accounts
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National accounts are defined as the framework that presents a complete and comprehensive picture of all current transactions in a specific period of time, usually one year. Thus, it depicts the national economy of a particular country or region. It gives a systematic and homogeneous statistical description of the whole economy and shows the interconnected relationships between the various economic sectors on the one hand and between the entire economy and the rest of the outside world on the other hand.
It is considered a tool to monitor the performance of the economy and economic policy through monitoring and analysis of the economic processes taking place between various sectors in the economy. For example, GDP growth is used by governments as a basis for economic planning or in order to take certain measures to stimulate the economy. In addition, the accounts are used by donor countries to evaluate the performance of aid programs provided to specific economic sectors or for the economic development of the country concerned as a whole. The results of the national accounts are also used by local and foreign investors to evaluate the economic situation and areas of new investment opportunities.
The national accounts in the Republic of Yemen are compiled in accordance with the System of National Accounts (SNA1993) and are prepared and issued periodically (annually), and most of the recommendations contained are followed, as they were developed by the member organizations of the joint team concerned with the system of national accounts to assist countries in implementing this system, and the team , the participants are: United Nations Statistical Division, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and European Union Statistical Office.
In general, the production method is used in calculating the added value of the non-financial projects sector, financial projects. As for the general government sector and the sector of non-profit projects that serve families, the cost method was used to calculate production through the equation (workers’ compensation, intermediate inputs, net indirect taxes, depreciation), and by subtracting marketed and non-marketed sales from the total expenditure (production), we- as CSO- obtain the government’s final consumption expenditure or for non-profit organizations that serve families. The government’s final consumption expenditure on education, health, social security, and welfare, etc., was considered expenditure pertaining to individuals, while the rest is considered collective expenditure . As for consumer expenditure by organizations that aim to profit and serve families, it is spending that pertains to individuals as a whole, and thus there is no collective expenditure for bodies that do not aim to Profit.
The most important Indicators
1-Gross domestic product measures the economic performance of a country in a certain period of time.
2- Gross national income measures the income achieved by residents of a country in a certain period of time.
3- Disposable national income measures the income available to residents of a country in order to spend it on consumption or to save in a specific country.
4-National saving measures the funds available after consumer spending for investment and lending to non-residents.
Information bank
Statistical tables
Growth rates of GDP at producer prices by sectors for the years 2017-2025 ( constant prices%) 2000=100
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ايناس حسن علي عريشي